Underwood Teahouse

Tucked away in the heart of Shanghai is a lush urban mountain forest, with an 800㎡ private garden that is like a secret garden. Located on the east side of the garden, the tea room is quiet and modest, blending in with the garden.
The building is half-buried and the curved roof slides down from high to low, with flowers and plants growing naturally on the clad roof. The horizontal window openings face the garden, and the interior is shaded as if it were the entrance to a cave.
Standing deep inside and looking out onto the courtyard, the focal point of the view is the long window at the front, where the view of the garden unfolds like a scroll.
From early morning to midday, the room is shrouded in shadows, as if in a hidden cave in the woods, while the afternoon sun slowly falls into the tea room with the shadows of the trees, dappling the walls with light and shadows until sunset.
The space is open and enclosed, bright and shaded, and the music and silence coexist within this small tea room.


  • Function Private Tea Room
  • Location Shanghai
  • Area 36㎡
  • Design Period 2021.04-06
  • Construction Period 2021.07-2022.01


  • Graden Design boll
  • Photography Zhu Hai